Fumbling and putsing with video cameras since elementary school, Jason currently works and resides in Kumamoto, Japan.


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Slide (7.28mb)
Music video for Japanese electronic pop music artist Damage Works.

Grow (6.10mb)
Music video done for "Amalgamation" art exhibit Jason did in June 2005. Music by Damage Works, vocals and lyrics by Jason.

Evil Sushi (3.15mb)
Commercial done for S&B Wasabi. An excersice in trying to make clones that can interact.

Where The Hell Are You? (4.27mb)
A guy is running late for an appointment...

Introducing (2.91mb)
A superb piece showcasing the amazing creator of

Carotine (10.6mb)
Music video done for Jason's "Half" Exhibit. Jason explored what being called "half" throughout his life has meant through old home videos as well as new footage where he analyzes each part of himself, inside and out.

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Music by Damage Works, vocals and lyrics by Jason.

Music by Damage Works.
The Fruits

neonveins would like to introduce "The Fruits". This is a Kumamoto based rock band in Japan.
Cream Soda Rain
Rhythm And Fruits
Your Tears

The Artists